LEVIDE™ Smart Cupping Massager

LEVIDE delivers professional-grade cupping therapy directly to your home. Our advanced device integrates dynamic suction, therapeutic heat, customizable red light therapy, and soothing vibration into a single, user-friendly tool, providing targeted relief for pain and enhancing recovery.


Using LEVIDE For Relief & Recovery


Smart Cupping Backed By Clinical Studies

Over the last 10 years, dozens of clinical studies have concluded that cupping leads to a decrease in muscle activity, resulting in pain reduction, reduced inflammation, and accelerated rate of recovery with safe and consistent use. LEVIDE reported even better results from consumer-based testing.


Reported significant pain relief after 20 minutes.


Reported enhanced joint mobility and flexibility.


Reported noticeably quicker recovery post workouts.

*Results reported from 112 person sample-size test. Percentages are rounded down.


Targeted Relief Wherever You Need


How it works

LEVIDE combines 4 clinically-proven therapy modules to relieve muscle tension and encourage blood circulation. Effectively improving muscle healing and alleviating pain, LEVIDE stimulates the chemical breakdown of any toxins inside the body, and decreases inflammation allowing for a wider range of motion across joints and muscle groups in addition to improved recovery.

Dynamic Suction

Release toxins and breakup fat cells

Red Light Therapy

Encourage cellular growth & immunity

Therapeutic Heat

Increase blood flow and decrease tension

Fully Adjustable

Adjust heat and suction intensity up to 12 levels

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LEVIDE Therapy Vs Traditional Cupping


The fine-tuned pinnacle of a cupping therapy machine, made convenient.

Targeted relief you'll feel after the first 10-minute session

Synergized 4 clinically-proven therapy modules for max effectiveness.

Convenient treatments enjoyed in the comfort of your own home.

Save money by replacing clinical treatments with LEVIDE for similar or better results.

Frequently Asked Question

Our customer support is available Monday to Friday: 8am-8:30pm.Average answer time: 24h

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